The following historical commit information, by author, was found.

Author Commits Insertions Deletions % of changes
Lukas Tursky662230979158244100.00

Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still intact in the current revision.

Author Rows Stability Age % in comments
Lukas Tursky7513832.59.34.08100.00

The following history timeline has been gathered from the repository.

Lukas Tursky
Modified Rows:225261421952118351804749666179436937
Lukas Tursky
Modified Rows:1839666175380071940147761777117325191
Lukas Tursky
Modified Rows:5269

The extensions below were found in the repository history (extensions used during statistical analysis are marked).

* MD conf css html jade java js json map md properties sh svg xml